Botrychium dissectum

(cut-leaf grape fern)

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Height Type Sunlight Moisture
6" - 12" evergreen fern

Habitat:Open disturbed woodlands, bottomland woodlands, wooded ravines, areas along woodland paths, edges of swamps, and pastures. The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and soil containing loam or sandy loam with decaying organic material. This fern is slow to develop from its spores, as the subterranean body of the fern (or prothallus) that results from its sexual phase lacks chlorophyll. At this stage of development (lasting 5 or more years), it is totally dependent on mycorrhizal fungi for survival. Even when the emergent sterile and fertile leaves of this fern develop, it is still partially dependent on such fungi for many of its nutrients. It has been estimated that the Cutleaf Grapefern can live for about 10 to 45 years (Chadde & Kudray, 2001). Because there is no easy way to cultivate this fern, it is rarely, if ever, available from commercial markets.